
Onesignal noftification delay on react-native

When sending push via onesignal to a react-native app, if I include data field in notification body it takes almost 26 seconds to reach the device but without data field it reaches within 1-2 seconds only. What can be the cause? I tried sending from node, python and Go backends.

This is the body I'm sending,

// Takes 1-2 seconds to reach
const notificationBody: any = {
    headings: { en: "Heading" },
    contents: { en: "Message"},
    include_player_ids: playerIds,
    priority: 10,

// Takes 26-30 seconds to reach
const notificationBodyWithData: any = {
    headings: { en: "Heading with data" },
    contents: { en: "Message"},
    content_available: true,
    data: data || {},
    include_player_ids: playerIds,
    priority: 10,

I tried searching in the documentation of onesignal as well as in git issues, but couldn't find anything related to this.


  • Sorry for late answer. I got some help from official OneSignal Discord channel. Actually I was actually handling data only notifications on the native side (android and iOS) for video/audio calling purposes and I found out that I wasn't calling the complete() method on OneSignal object after processing the notification there on the native side itself. As mentioned in the OneSignal react-native docs

    // Complete with null means don't show a notification.

    That is what the issue was. It was affecting the normal notifications due to this, but now It's working fine.