I have a global state that is an array [1,0, null,1,0....] I want to access the array by index let's say index 5 I want just to replace that value with 1 I have the array and I have the index but I don't know how to reassign and update the state
const setarrayFlags = useSetRecoilState(arryofFlags); //setting my global array
const setPosition = useSetRecoilState(Position); // I keep track of the position
setarrayFlags([1,0,null,1,0...); // set array with values
// This is called from a child componet
const arryofFlag = useRecoilValue(arryofFlags); // get my global array
let FlagPosition = useRecoilValue(Position); // get current position
arryofFlag[FlagPosition] = 1; // this is how I reassign the value on the current position but not sure how to use setarrayFlags again to set it global again without replacing the whole array just that position
setarrayFlags(arryofFlag[FlagPosition] = 1); //cant be this way
So, instead of this line arryofFlag[CardPosition] = 1;
, you can write:
const tempArray = [...arryofFlags];
tempArray[CardPosition] = 1