
Image is not displaying correctly on chrome browser

From some days ago, images are not displaying correctly in my browser(chrome). It's displaying with mosaic effect like following screenshot.

enter image description here

Is this virus or what? If virus, how to fix this? (If I refresh page, it displays well, but a few mins later it doesn't display well again.).


  • Turning off [GPU rasterization] and [hardware acceleration] is worked for me. (Windows 10 + Chrome v101.x)

    Turning off GPU rasterization

    1. Go to chrome://flags
    2. Select 'Disabled' right side of 'GPU rasterization'.
    3. Restart browser.

    Turning off hardware acceleration

    1. Go to chrome://settings/system
    2. Move switch off 'Use hardware acceleration when available'.
    3. Restart browser.