I have two programs : 2D and 3D versions. For example, this is a simplified 2D version :
program main
integer, parameter :: nDim = 2
integer :: size
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: myArray
size=4 ! Normally read from a file
call initArray(myArray)
subroutine initArray(myArray)
real, dimension(1:size,1:size,1:nDim) :: myArray
myArray(1:size,1:size,1:nDim) = 5.d0
end subroutine initArray
end program main
And the 3D version,
program main
integer, parameter :: nDim = 3
integer :: size
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: myArray
size=4 ! Normally read from a file
call initArray(myArray)
subroutine initArray(myArray)
real, dimension(1:size,1:size,1:size,1:nDim) :: myArray
myArray(1:size,1:size,1:size,1:nDim) = 5.d0
end subroutine initArray
end program main
These programs are very similar and I would like to have only one program where the parameter nDim
determine everything.
But I have problem with the following statements and instructions :
, I have not the same number of dimensions (3 or 4)allocate
, the number of arguments is variable (3 or 4)myArray
, the number of dimension is variable (3 or 4)Is there a solution purely in fortran or should I use the C preprocessor ?
Thanks for answer.
This is a typical example where object-oriented programming helps. You have two programs that respond to the same API, but internal computations will be different (2D or 3D). You want to have 2d and 3d grids both extend a generic "grid type"
module grids
implicit none
type, abstract, public :: grid
procedure (grid_init), deferred :: init
end type grid
type, public, extends(grid) :: grid2D
real, allocatable :: myArray(:,:)
procedure :: init=>init_2d
end type grid2D
type, public, extends(grid) :: grid3D
real, allocatable :: myArray(:,:,:)
procedure :: init=>init_3d
end type grid3D
! Define procedure APIs
abstract interface
subroutine grid_init(this,size)
import grid
class(grid), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: size
end subroutine grid_init
end interface
! Define ACTUAL procedures for the 2d and 3d grids
subroutine init_3d(this, size)
class(grid3D), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: size
allocate(this%myArray(size, size,size))
end subroutine init_3d
subroutine init_2d(this, size)
class(grid2D), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: size
end subroutine init_2d
end module grids
The actual implementation is up to you, but the key points are:
Expose all common "operations" (on a grid, for example) through the polymorphic API; define them in the abstract
class, so the compiler will check that all you've done in the child classes is right;
Hide all dimension-dependent code and data inside the derived types;
Ideally, you would try to define all routines of your public interface in a dimension-independent way. This is often not possible, in which case, you'll revert to use type-checking in those places where a shared call is not possible.
For example, you may need 2 or 3 input parameters to something: you can do
class(grid), allocatable :: myGrid
select type (myGrid)
type is (grid2D); [...]
type is (grid3D); [...]
class default; [...]
end select
A simple test program will look like
program test_grids
use grids
implicit none
type(grid2D) :: fixed_2d
type(grid3D) :: fixed_3d
class(grid), allocatable :: polymorphic
! Initialize non-polymorphic grids (fixed type)
call fixed_2d%init(5)
call fixed_3d%init(10)
! Initialize polymorphic grid as 2D
allocate(grid2D :: polymorphic)
call polymorphic%init(10)
! Initialize polymorphic grid as 3D
allocate(grid3D :: polymorphic)
call polymorphic%init(10)
end program test_grids
Hope this helps, Federico