I am trying to test if the bullet defined in the .as file is touching the player defined in the .fla file.
I have this if statement in my .fla file
if (spaceBarPressed == true) {
var eb = new EnemyBullet(player)
eb.x = enemy.x + 120
eb.y = enemy.y + 120
and this in my .as file
public function EnemyBullet(player) {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update)
if (this.hitTestObject(player)) {
function update(event:Event) {
But I can't seem to get it to work.
I fixed it by sending the object player to the function EnemyBullet in the class, and stored it in a variable of type DisplayObject to reference it in the function update.
Contents of if Statment in .fla file:
if (spaceBarPressed == true) {
var eb = new EnemyBullet(player)
eb.x = enemy.x + 120
eb.y = enemy.y + 120
Contents of .as file
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.events.Event
public class EnemyBullet extends MovieClip {
var $thing:DisplayObject
public function EnemyBullet($testObject:DisplayObject) {
$thing = $testObject
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update)
function update(e:Event) {
if ($thing.hitTestObject(this) ) {