
How can i access a k8s worker node from a master node without ssh?

I want to build a python script that accesses a kubernetes worker node, lists the network interfaces and captures the traffic of the choosen interface (with tcpdump for exemple) and then store the pcap file somewhere on the master node.

I want to know if it is possible to access a worker node from my master node without ssh? (maybe with a direct k8s-apiserver call ?) If ssh is the only way to access the worker node, how can i make a connection without entring the worker's password (for authentification).

Or maybe there is another way to do this ?


  • One way to connect nodes, when SSH isn't an option, would be to start some privileged container, that would access your nodes filesystem, disabling pid namespace isolation.

    Say I have some node "infra1"

    $> kubectl get nodes
    infra1     Ready         infra         728d   v1.21.6

    I can get in using:

    $ kubectl debug node/infra1 -it --image=busybox
    Creating debugging pod node-debugger-infra1-s46g6 with container debugger on node infra1.
    If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
    / #
    / # chroot /host
    root@infra1:/# crictl ps | head -2
    CONTAINER           IMAGE               CREATED             STATE               
    NAME                       ATTEMPT             POD ID
    a36863efe2a2e       3fb5cabb64693       4 minutes ago       Running             

    The /host being a "volume", sharing my host filesystem with that debug container. Using chroot, you're now working from your node runtime.

    $ k get pods 
    NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    node-debugger-infra1-g5nwg                0/1     Error     0          71s
    node-debugger-infra1-s46g6                1/1     Running   0          55s

    In practice, this is done creating a Pod, such as the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      annotations: hostaccess
      name: node-debugger-infra1-s46g6
      namespace: default
      - image: busybox
        - mountPath: /host
          name: host-root
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      enableServiceLinks: true
      hostIPC: true
      hostNetwork: true
      hostPID: true
      nodeName: infra1
      nodeSelector: linux
      preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority
      priority: 0
      restartPolicy: Never
      schedulerName: default-scheduler
      securityContext: {}
      serviceAccount: default
      serviceAccountName: default
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
      - operator: Exists
      - hostPath:
          path: /
          type: ""
        name: host-root

    Answering your follow-up question, regarding caliXXX interfaces. Those are specific to calico SDN, although the same remarks may apply to other implementations: there's no easy way to resolve pods IPs from those.

    We can however inspect pods configuration, figuring out which interface they use:

    # crictl pods
    b693b9ff6487c       3 hours ago         Ready               controller-6b78bff7d9-5b7vr                 metallb-system          2                   (default)
    # crictl inspectp b693b9ff6487c | jq '.info.cniResult'
      "Interfaces": {
        "cali488d4aeb0e6": {
          "IPConfigs": null,
          "Mac": "",
          "Sandbox": ""
        "eth0": {
          "IPConfigs": [
              "IP": "",
              "Gateway": ""
          "Mac": "",
          "Sandbox": ""
        "lo": {
          "IPConfigs": [
              "IP": "",
              "Gateway": ""
              "IP": "::1",
              "Gateway": ""
          "Mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
          "Sandbox": "/var/run/netns/cni-55322514-e37a-2913-022a-9f7488df8ca5"
      "DNS": [
      "Routes": null

    Then, resolving the interface name for a given IP, we could so something like:

    # MATCH_IP="10\.233\.105\.55"
    # crictl pods | awk '/Ready/{print $1}' | while read pod
            crictl inspectp $pod | grep $MATCH_IP >/dev/null 2>&1 || continue
            echo found pod $pod
            crictl inspectp $pod \
               | jq '.info.cniResult.Interfaces | with_entries(select(.key|match("cali"))) | to_entries[] | .key'
    found pod b693b9ff6487c