This is my first time trying such question .It has been so difficult for me to solve this question as I wasn't able to attend my classes when this was taught due to some reasons.Can anyone help me how do I use decrement operators as I have no idea where and how to add such operators to get the desirable output. I am already two days late for submitting this assignment :(
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Date{
int day;
int month;
int year;
Date(int d, int m , int y)
day = d;
month = m;
year = y;
void displayDate() {
cout << "Day: " << day << " Month:" << month <<" Year:"<<year<<endl;
// overloaded prefix ++ operator
Date operator++ () {
if(day >= 31) {
day -= 31;
if (month>=12)
month -= 12;
return Date(day, month,year);
int main ()
int day;
int month;
int year;
string month_name[20] = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};
cout << "Enter a day: ";
cin >> day;
if (day > 31 || day < 1)
cout<<"This is invalid "<<endl;
while (day > 31 || day < 1);
cout << "Enter a month: " ;
cin >> month;
if (month > 12 || month < 1)
cout<<"This is invalid "<<endl;
while (month > 12 || month < 1);
cout << "Enter a year: ";
cin >> year;
cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year << endl;
cout << month_name[month-1]<< " " << day << ", " << year << endl;
cout << day << " " << month_name[month-1] << "," << year << endl;
Date D1(day,month,year);
++D1; // increment D1
D1.displayDate(); // display D1
++D1; // increment of D1 again
D1.displayDate(); // display D1
return 0;
You can basically do the same thing with the increment operator but do it backwards. The C++ operator for decrement is --variable
so the code would look as follows
Date operator--(){
if(day <= 0)
day += 31;
if (month<=0)
month += 12;
return Date(day, month,year);