In React
, I have a generic interface like so:
interface BaseProps<T> {
data: T;
The consumers of my code will extend this to define their own Props
and Component
interface MyProps extends BaseProps<string> {
const MyComponent: React.FC<MyProps> = ({ data }) => {
I want to write a method that accepts such a component and returns a value of the same type as
. This is what I'm struggling with. I'm trying to write this method and invoke it as:
function myFunc<T, U extends BaseProps<T>>(component: React.FC<U>): T {
return ...
const ret1 = myFunc(MyComponent);
const ret2 = myFunc<string, MyProps>(MyComponent);
has the correct type string
but ret
comes out to have unknown
type. Is there a way I can enforce constraints in the myFunc
method such that ret1
is typed correctly without requiring me to explicitly declare types in <>
Both @futut and @proton have given (almost) identical solution that clearly work in this case! Kudos!
However, the sample code I wrote here was a bit over-simplified. If I change the BaseProps
interface to:
interface BaseProps<T> {
callback: (value: T) => void;
Then I can no longer use U["data"]
. Is there a way to be able to return a value of the type of value
parameter in MyComponent.callback
in this case?
PS: Apologies for shifting the goalpost here. My bad at oversimplifying too much.
Just explicitly inform typescript, that type of
is going to be function return value, like below:
function myFunc<T, U extends BaseProps<T>>(component: React.FC<U>): U['data'] {
That way you won't have to pass types to generic statement (<>
), as long as your component passed to myFunc
is typed properly.
Regarding second version of question:
Things get tricky here. You can point to value of a callback by using infer
keyword like below:
function myFunc<T extends BaseProps<any>>(
component: React.FC<T>,
): T['callback'] extends (a: infer R) => void ? R : never {
Check documentation regarding that keyword: