
Is it PCI compliant to create PaymentIntent directly from my Flutter app?

I have tried different ways to handle payment via no webhook flow, but the only solution is to call stripe API directly from my dart code as follows:

var response = await http.post(
        body: {
          'amount': _calculateAmount(amount),
          'currency': currency,
          'payment_method_types[]': 'card',
          'description': description,
          'receipt_email': email,
        headers: {
          'Authorization': 'Bearer ${AppConfig.instance.stripeSecretKey}',
          'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

is my code still PCI compliant and properly secured to use in production?


  • Your code is still PCI compliant, but not secure. Secret key must be stored securely in your web or mobile app’s server-side code (such as in an environment variable or credential management system). Calling from Dart means you are exposing your credential to the whole world. It's explained in Stripe Doc