I am using Telosys tool to generate entity classes and it is doing wonders for me. However I have a specific requirement to change some attributes of entities.
I have loaded all the attributes that need to be changed in a map and parsed it in my entity template. But when I am trying to iterate through the map using entity.name it fails saying there is no get method. This is my map: sample_map.vm
#set( $map = {
"AABUHA": "Name",
"ABAKTX": "Code",
"ABABDZ": "Date"
I parsed it in my template like this:
And this is how I am trying to fetch the value for the corresponding entity
I also tried:
The error I get is either
$!map.[: no attribute '['
Or no method get()
Surprisingly, this works fine when I pass the value as hardcoded string.
Any suggestions please
In Velocity the error “: no attribute '['
” ( or "no method 'get'
" ) occurs when the key doesn’t exist in the map.
So, I suppose that in your case you try to get an “entity.name” that is not defined in the map.
To check if a key is defined in a map you can use : $map.containsKey("xx")
See example here : https://doc.telosys.org/templates/velocity-objects#map
You can also use : $map.getOrDefault(“key”, "default_value")
to get a default value if the key doesn’t exist in the map