
CRA project node v14.17.0 - Loading PostCSS "postcss-preset-env" plugin failed: Cannot find module 'node:vm'

I'm getting the following error when trying to start a CRA project running with node 14.17.0 -> Loading PostCSS "postcss-preset-env" plugin failed: Cannot find module 'node:vm'

Compiled with problems:X

ERROR in ./src/app.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet1.rules[0].oneOf[5].use1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet1.rules[0].oneOf[5].use[2]!./src/app.css)

Module Error (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js): Loading PostCSS "postcss-preset-env" plugin failed: Cannot find module 'node:vm' Require stack:


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Project error


  • As it appears this error will temporarily get fixed by installing the latest version of Node.js.

    So to fix this, follow these steps:

    1. Download and install the latest Node.js version (recommended for most users, which is 16.15.0 at this moment).
    2. Delete your node_modules directory from your project. Then you can optionally clear the npm cache with npm cache clean and verify it with npm cache verify.
    3. Delete the package-lock.json/yarn.lock file.
    4. Reinstall all dependencies and create a new dependency tree using one of the following commands: npm i/npm install/yarn/yarn install.

    Note1: If, in any case, you use node-sass in React projects yet, it is recommended to use sass instead.

    Note2: In some cases, skipping step 1 will also work as expected, but I recommend upgrading the Node.js version if you do not have other dependencies to prevent that.

    Note3: As @IvaniltonBezerra mentions in the comments, some apps may throw errors since upgrading Node.js to its latest version will also upgrade the npm. It may not be compatible with your current dependency tree in production, so to prevent such a problem, you have to use --legacy-peer-deps to restore the old behaviour of the old dependencies.


    This now seems to be permanently solved in PostCSS Preset Env, and following the above steps with skipping step 1 will also solve the problem.