
Packer WinRM connection refused

I'm using packer to create a Windows Host in GCP.

This is my packer file:

source "googlecompute" "windows-winrm-ansible" {
  image_name       = "windows-image-name"
  project_id       = var.google_project
  source_image     = var.source_image
  zone             =
  subnetwork       = var.subnetwork
  omit_external_ip = true
  use_internal_ip  = true
  machine_type     = var.machine_type
  disk_size        = 50
  communicator     = "winrm"
  winrm_username   = "packer_user"
  winrm_insecure   = true
  winrm_use_ssl    = true

  metadata = {
    windows-startup-script-cmd = "winrm quickconfig -quiet & net user /add packer_user & net localgroup administrators packer_user /add & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic=\"true\"}"

build {
  sources = [""]

I have also created a firewall rule to open the following ports:

When running the packer file above, he is able to create the .pem files fine, but it gets stuck in: Waiting for WinRM to become available...

Turning on debug I can see:

2022/03/15 13:56:40 packer-builder-googlecompute plugin: [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2022/03/15 13:56:40 packer-builder-googlecompute plugin: [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2022/03/15 13:56:40 packer-builder-googlecompute plugin: [ERROR] connection error: unknown error Post "https://XXXXXXX:5986/wsman": dial tcp XXXXXXX:5986: connect: connection refused
2022/03/15 13:56:40 packer-builder-googlecompute plugin: [ERROR] WinRM connection err: unknown error Post "https://XXXXXXX:5986/wsman": dial tcp XXXXXXX:5986: connect: connection refused

Which is weird because I'm able to RDP and running nc outputs this:

nc -z -w1 XXXXXXX 5986;echo $?
Connection to XXXXXXX port 5986 [tcp/wsmans] succeeded!

Inside the VM I can see:

PS C:\Windows\system32> winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener
    Address = *
    Transport = HTTP
    Port = 5985
    Enabled = true
    URLPrefix = wsman

    Address = *
    Transport = HTTPS
    Port = 5986
    Enabled = true
    URLPrefix = wsman
    CertificateThumbprint = YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

What could be the reason for packer to not be able to WinRM to the VM?


  • Answering my own question if others run into the issue.

    My "allow-winrm" firewall was targeting VMs with a specific tag. After adding that tag to the Packer VM it worked. See ** line bellow

    source "googlecompute" "windows-winrm-ansible" {
      image_name       = "windows-image-name"
      project_id       = var.google_project
      source_image     = var.source_image
      zone             =
      subnetwork       = var.subnetwork
      omit_external_ip = true
      use_internal_ip  = true
      machine_type     = var.machine_type
      disk_size        = 50
      communicator     = "winrm"
      winrm_username   = "packer_user"
      winrm_insecure   = true
      winrm_use_ssl    = true
      **tags             = ["TAG_IN_FIREWALL"]**
      metadata = {
        windows-startup-script-cmd = "winrm quickconfig -quiet & net user /add packer_user & net localgroup administrators packer_user /add & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic=\"true\"}"
    build {
      sources = [""]