Suppose, I have a table with a list of patients and a date for their surgery.
xxxxxxxxx1 07MAR2006:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2 11FEB2006:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3 14JAN2006:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4 01JAN2005:00:00:00
Suppose, I have a second table with a list of meds code which correspond to certain type of treatment (eg. treatment of diabetes)
Now, I have a table with all the medications and the dates when they were dispensed.
xxxxxxxxx1 3484027 29DEC2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx1 3484028 12JUN2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2 3484027 10JAN2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2 1234567 10MAR2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2 3484027 14APR2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3 3484027 12FEB2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3 3484028 14AUG2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3 3484027 17NOV2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4 3484027 17NOV2004:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4 3484027 20NOV2004:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4 3484027 13JAN2005:00:00:00
What I am trying to do is to create a new column in my patients' table which indicates if the patient had the medication at least three times within the year before the surgery. So in the example data only the third patient meet the requirements, because:
Here is the code to produce the example data in PL/SQL:
create table PATIENTS
ID_PATIENT varchar2(10)
, SURG_DATE date
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx1', to_date('20060307', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', to_date('20060211', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', to_date('20060114', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', to_date('20050101', 'yyyymmdd'))
create table DIABETES_MEDS
MED_CODE varchar2(10)
insert into DIABETES_MEDS values ('3484027')
insert into DIABETES_MEDS values ('3484028')
create table MEDS
ID_PATIENT varchar2(10)
, MED_CODE varchar2(7)
, DEL_DATE date
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx1', '3484027', to_date('20051229', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx1', '3484028', to_date('20050612', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', '3484027', to_date('20050110', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', '1234567', to_date('20050310', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', '3484027', to_date('20050414', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', '3484027', to_date('20050212', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', '3484028', to_date('20050814', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', '3484027', to_date('20051117', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', '3484027', to_date('20041117', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', '3484027', to_date('20041120', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', '3484027', to_date('20050113', 'yyyymmdd'))
This will give you the patients fulfilling the conditions:
SELECT COUNT(1), m.id_patient
FROM meds m
, patients p
WHERE m.id_patient = p.id_patient
AND m.med_code IN (SELECT med_code FROM diabetes_meds)
AND m.del_date >= ADD_MONTHS(p.surg_date,-12)
AND m.del_date <= p.surg_date
GROUP BY m.id_patient
and once you create the new column you can fill it with a MERGE
similar to this one:
MERGE INTO patients p
USING ( SELECT COUNT(1), m.id_patient
FROM meds m
, patients p
WHERE m.id_patient = p.id_patient
AND m.med_code IN (SELECT med_code FROM diabetes_meds)
AND m.del_date >= ADD_MONTHS(p.surg_date,-12)
AND m.del_date <= p.surg_date
GROUP BY m.id_patient
HAVING COUNT(1) >= 3 ) meds
ON (p.id_patient = meds.id_patient)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET <p.had_meds> = 'Y'; -- or whatever type of flag you want to use