I am creating PDFs using ODS with two graphs per page. Both graphs have the same value for a type variable, 'month' below. I want to create a TOC bookmark for each page, which refers to the value of the highest-level variable ('year' below). There could be any number of values for 'year', but only two 'month' values per year. I don't want multiple levels of bookmarks, just one per page.
I looked at ODS document, but I don't know if it is possible to use that for this purpose if I have an indefinite number of graphs.
Here is what I have now:
data new;
do year = 1 to 5;
do month = 1 to 2;
do day = 1 to 10;
emp = year*month*day;
ods pdf file='K:\brent\test_graphs_pages.pdf' startpage=never;
proc sgplot data=new;
by year month;
series x = day y = emp;
ods pdf close;
It is giving me three levels of bookmarks, and two bookmarks per page. How can I get just one per page? Also, why does the bookmark for year 2 link to the page with year 1 on it?
This definitely sounds like a PROC DOCUMENT problem. You may need to use the macro language to generate the code, as some of this I don't think is fully automatable inside proc document
(primarily the setlabel
piece), but the broad strokes would be:
ods document
to generate the documentproc document
then to move
with where
the month=1 and month=2 entries to a single dir
proc document
with setlabel
to use the #BYVAL(YEAR)
to set the label correctlyproc document
to output the document.This is the first part - you'd still want to customize the labels, and like I said you'd need to automate this with the macro language.
data new;
do year = 1 to 5;
do month = 1 to 2;
do day = 1 to 10;
emp = year*month*day;
ods document name=TOCtest(write);
ods pdf file='h:\temp\test_graphs_pages_before.pdf' startpage=never;
proc sgplot data=new;
by year month;
series x = day y = emp;
ods pdf close;
ods document close;
ods listing;
proc document name=TOCtest;
list / levels=all; run;
make \Year1;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup1#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year1#1;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup2#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year1#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup1#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup2#1;
make \Year2;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup3#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year2#1;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup4#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year2#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup3#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup4#1;
make \Year3;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup5#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year3#1;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup6#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year3#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup5#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup6#1;
make \Year4;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup7#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year4#1;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup8#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year4#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup7#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup8#1;
make \Year5;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup9#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year5#1;
move \SGPlot#1\ByGroup10#1\SGPlot#1 to \Year5#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup9#1;
delete \SGPlot#1\ByGroup10#1;
list /details levels=all; run;
ods pdf file="h:\temp\test_graph_pages_after.pdf" startpage=never;
replay ^
ods pdf close;
This still exhibits the "one off" issue you noticed before. That seems to be unavoidable with the startpage=never - I'm not sure about a workaround there, that might be worth contacting support@sas.com as it might be a bug. They had a similar bug in 9.4m1/m2 that was fixed, but is not identical.