
R function, Is there an error with my as.date? I got an error do not know how to convert df to class

Hi can someone help me solve this, got this error. Error in as.Date.default(x = df, format = "%m %d, %y") : do not know how to convert 'df' to class “Date”

Appreciate it.

df.data= data.frame(months = c(1,2,3,10,12),
                days = c(22,1,23,29,14),
                years = c(16,17,18,18,15)

col_date = function(df){
  df[,'date'] = as.Date(x = df.data, format = '%m %d, %y')

col_date(df = df.data)


  • I'm not sure what you exactly want but you didn't put months, days, and years together.

    For example,

    df.data %>%
      rowwise %>%
      mutate(date = paste0(c(months, days, years), collapse = "-") %>%
               as.Date(., format = '%m-%d-%y')) 
      months  days years date         
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date>    
    1      1    22    16 2016-01-22
    2      2     1    17 2017-02-01
    3      3    23    18 2018-03-23
    4     10    29    18 2018-10-29
    5     12    14    15 2015-12-14

    this code will make date date.

    If you want function,

    col_date <- function(df){
      df <- df %>%
        rowwise %>%
        mutate(date = paste0(c(months, days, years), collapse = "-") %>%
                 as.Date(., format = '%m-%d-%y')) 

    will works.