I am a beginner computational thinking programmer and am doing some basic problems for Australian Informatics Olympiad practice problems.
Here's the link to the question
This is my code so far:
inputfile = open("sitin.txt", "r")
outputfile = open("sitout.txt", "w")
r = 0
s = 0
t = 0
sit = 0
stand = 0
seats_available = 0
#Reading integers from input file
r, s = map(int, inputfile.readline().split())
t = map(int, inputfile.readline().split())
#Conducting the operations
seats_available = r * s
if t > seats_available:
sit = r*s
stand = t - seats_available
sit = t
stand = 0
#Writing answer in the output file
outputfile.write(sit + "" + stand + "\n")
Here's the error I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 25, in <module>
if t > seats_available:
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'map' and 'int'
Any help would be much appreciated!
You should use with open
structure to open files so you don't have to worry about closing them. Also, initializing the values with 0 is something that you don't have to do so I dropped that too. These few things make your code easier to read and less error prone.
You are getting the error because on the line for t
there is only a single value, so it is not automatically unpacked like r
and s
# Reading integers from input file
with open("sitin.txt", "r") as inputfile:
r, s = map(int, inputfile.readline().split())
t = int(inputfile.readline().strip())
#Conducting the operations
seats_available = r * s
if t > seats_available:
sit = r*s
stand = t - seats_available
sit = t
stand = 0
#Writing answer in the output file
with open("sitout.txt", "w") as outputfile:
outputfile.write(f"{sit} {stand}\n")