I'm facing an issue where ServiceLoader does not find one provided service.
I have tested with regular project and the following sources:
// test/Tester.java
package test;
public interface Tester {
// test/TesterImpl.java
package test;
public class TesterImpl implements Tester {
// test/Runner.java
package test;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
public class Runner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var loader = ServiceLoader.load(Tester.class);
for (var tester : loader) {
// module-info.java
import test.Tester;
import test.TesterImpl;
module module {
uses Tester;
provides Tester with TesterImpl;
The above prints something akin to test.TesterImpl@1fb3ebeb
, proving that it works as wanted.
The same fails to work when I try to use ServiceLoader.load(...)
inside an AbstractProcessor
that's run through maven-compiler-plugin. The processor returns an empty iterator instead. What is required to make it behave the same way in the annotation processor as it does in the case above?
THe solution to this issue was to specify a class loader - it appears that the annotation processor used a different classloader than the classes I was trying to load the services from. Solution is the following:
ServiceLoader.load(MyService.class, MyAnnotationProcessor.class.getClassLoader())