I have a table where multiple table items are available. Out of them, for some table items background and foreground color is set.
On selection of a colored item,since the text color was white, the text is difficult to read So, I need to change the forground color to default ie. black. I had done it using the selection listener
private SelectionListener selectionListener;
private void mouseTrackListener() {
selectionListener = new SelectionListener() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
((TableItem) e.item).setForeground(null);
public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
And the color got changed successfully.
But now I am selecting any other item which is not colored, so I want to remove the above selection listener and set the text color to colored ie. white.
I am not getting how to use this.table.removeSelectionListener
Can some one please help.
You need to remember the selection listener somewhere, probably a field in the class managing the table.
private SelectionListener listener;
listener = new SelectionListener() ....
Be sure to only create the listener once (possibly in the class constructor).
An alternative is to just add the listener (once) and then test a flag in the listener to decide if you setForeground.