I see in the services UI that I can create a Spark cluster. I also see that I can use the Spark operator runtime when executing a job. What is the use case for each and why would I choose one vs the other?
There are two ways of using Spark in Iguazio:
import mlrun
import os
# set up new spark function with spark operator
# command will use our spark code which needs to be located on our file system
# the name param can have only non capital letters (k8s convention)
sj = mlrun.new_function(kind='spark', command='spark_read_csv.py', name='sparkreadcsv')
# set spark driver config (gpu_type & gpus=<number_of_gpus> supported too)
sj.with_driver_requests(cpu=1, mem="512m")
# set spark executor config (gpu_type & gpus=<number_of_gpus> are supported too)
sj.with_executor_requests(cpu=1, mem="512m")
# adds fuse, daemon & iguazio's jars support
# set spark driver volume mount
# sj.function.with_driver_host_path_volume("/host/path", "/mount/path")
# set spark executor volume mount
# sj.function.with_executor_host_path_volume("/host/path", "/mount/path")
# args are also supported
sj.spec.args = ['-spark.eventLog.enabled','true']
# add python module
sj.spec.build.commands = ['pip install matplotlib']
# Number of executors
sj.spec.replicas = 2
# Rebuilds the image with MLRun - needed in order to support artifactlogging etc
# Run task while setting the artifact path on which our run artifact (in any) will be saved
Where the spark_read_csv.py
file looks like:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from mlrun import get_or_create_ctx
context = get_or_create_ctx("spark-function")
# build spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Spark job").getOrCreate()
# read csv
df = spark.read.load('iris.csv', format="csv",
sep=",", header="true")
# sample for logging
df_to_log = df.describe().toPandas()
# log final report