
Regex to split apart text. Special case for parentheses with spaces in them

I am trying to split a field by delimiter in LookML. This field either follows the format of:

  1. Managers (AE)
  2. Managers (AE - MM)

I was able to split to first case using this

sql: case
      when rlike (${user_role_name}, '^.*[\\(\\)].*$') then split_part(${user_role_name}, ' ', -1)

However, I haven't been able to get the 2nd case to do the same. It's in a case statement so I am going to add another when statement, but am not able to figure out the regex for parentheses that contains spaces.

Thanks in advance for the help!


  • By "split" the string, I think you mean you want to extract the part in parentheses, right?

    I would do this using a regex substring method. You didn't mention what warehouse you're using, and the syntax will vary a little, but on snowflake that would look like:

    regexp_substr(${user_role_name}, '\\([^)]*\\)')

    So, for example, with the inputs you gave:

    select regexp_substr('Managers (AE)', '\\([^)]*\\)')
    union all
    select regexp_substr('Managers (AE - MM)', '\\([^)]*\\)')
    (AE - MM)