I have a problem with the primeNG component TabView. I am trying to build a custom lib with primeNG as base. Therefore, I have implemented a tabs component and a tab-item component
In my first try, every content of the items was displayed in the last tab. I've read that instead of
<p-tabPanel [header]="tab.header" *ngFor="let tab of tabs; let i = index [selected]="i == 0"">
I have to use ngTemplateOutlet
<p-tabPanel [header]="tab.header" *ngFor="let tab of tabs; let i = index [selected]="i == 0"">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tab.template"></ng-container>
and in typescript:
export class TabsComponent {
@ContentChildren(TabItemComponent) tabs!: QueryList<TabItemComponent>;
export class TabItemComponent implements OnInit {
header: string = "";
template!: TemplateRef<any>;
But, since the changes to ngTemplateOutlet, the content of the default selected tab 0 won't display on startup, although you can see that the first tab is selected. You have to click on a tab to see the content.
What do I need to change?
Ok I did it myself. You have to extend the ViewChild of the TemplateRef with a static option.
@ViewChild(TemplateRef, { static: true })
static - True to resolve query results before change detection runs, false to resolve after change detection. Defaults to false.
Thanks for your help