I have laptop connected to an external monitor Dell 2412. Upon upgrading to vs2022, I am noticing the visual studio menu fonts got blurred. It is usable but a nagging issue. I tried to clear the clear-type font and did some font adjustments in Tools > Options but this does not help.
It does not look that way on the laptop screen. Also other applications are just fine. Is there any way to fix other than to change my monitor?
PS: The font is fine when the project is loading... After the project loads it gets screwed up
Install text sharp: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SergeyVlasov.TextSharp
The following fixed the issue, in VS 2022:
Go to Tools > Text Sharp > General
Text rendering mode: Auto
Text Formatting Mode: Ideal
Text hinting mode: Auto
Targets: both options checked