
Latex beamer error: argument of \language@active@arg" has an extra }. \end{frame}

I'm trying to put together a presentation using latex beamer. I drew a triangle using the tikz package but I can't put the names on the angles. When executing the code, the following error appears: "Argument of \language@active@arg" has an extra }. \end{frame}"

The code is:

\documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames,10pt,serif]{beamer} % serif, mathserif







\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
                \coordinate (C) at (-1.5,-1);
                \coordinate (A) at (1.5,-1);
                \coordinate (B) at (1.5,1);
                \coordinate (D) at (1.5,-3);
                \node [below] at (3,-1) {$\Re$};
                \node [above] at (-1.5,2) {$\Im$}; 
                %draw cartesian plane
                \draw[stealth-stealth] (-1.5,-4) -- (-1.5,2) coordinate (y axis);
                \draw[-stealth] (C) -- (3,-1) coordinate (x axis);
                \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}] (C) -- 
                    node[font=\Large,sloped,above] {$S_{abc}$} (B);
                \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}](A) -- 
                    node[font=\Large,pos=0.7,right] {$Q_{abc}$} (B);
                \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}](C) -- 
                    node[font=\Large,pos=0.8,above] {$P_{abc}$} (A);
                \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}](C) -- 
                    node[font=\Large,sloped,below] {$S_{abc}$} (D);
                \draw[very thick,{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}-](D)-- 
                    node[font=\Large,pos=0.3,right] {$-Q_{abc}$} (A) ;
                \pic[thick,"$\theta$", draw=blue,-stealth, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
                \pic[thick,"$\theta$", draw=red, stealth-, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=0.9cm]


Can anybody help me?


  • If you have fragile content in your frame, like certain tikz pictures, use the fragile frame option.

    Some other comments:

    \documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames,10pt]{beamer} % serif, mathserif
    \frametitle{Frame Title}
                    \coordinate (C) at (-1.5,-1);
                    \coordinate (A) at (1.5,-1);
                    \coordinate (B) at (1.5,1);
                    \coordinate (D) at (1.5,-3);
                    \node [below] at (3,-1) {$\Re$};
                    \node [above] at (-1.5,2) {$\Im$}; 
                    %draw cartesian plane
                    \draw[stealth-stealth] (-1.5,-4) -- (-1.5,2) coordinate (y axis);
                    \draw[-stealth] (C) -- (3,-1) coordinate (x axis);
                    \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}] (C) -- 
                        node[font=\Large,sloped,above] {$S_{abc}$} (B);
                    \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}](A) -- 
                        node[font=\Large,pos=0.7,right] {$Q_{abc}$} (B);
                    \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}](C) -- 
                        node[font=\Large,pos=0.8,above] {$P_{abc}$} (A);
                    \draw[very thick,-{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}](C) -- 
                        node[font=\Large,sloped,below] {$S_{abc}$} (D);
                    \draw[very thick,{Stealth[length=3mm, width=1.5mm]}-](D)-- 
                        node[font=\Large,pos=0.3,right] {$-Q_{abc}$} (A) ;
                    \pic[thick,"$\theta$", draw=blue,-stealth, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
                    \pic[thick,"$\theta$", draw=red, stealth-, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=0.9cm]