I'm working on a React application and I use some npm modules, one of which I had to build myself. (my NPM package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/modale-react-rm).
It is a simple modal that opens and closes with a useState()
After importing my package, I have an error in my console that appears suddenly after a few seconds without performing any actions.
Uncaught (in promise) localhost/:1
>{message: 'A listener indicated an asynchronous response by r…age channel closed before a response was received'}
message: "A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received"
>[[Prototype]]: Object
>constructor: ƒ ()
>[[Prototype]]: Object
/* sometimes there are specific elements in addition but I could not check when they appear and when not */
Promise.then (asynchrone)
(anonyme) @content_script_bundle.js:108
handleNewFeatures @content_script_bundle.js:101
handleUpdatedNodes @content_script_bundle.js:101
(anonyme) @content_script_bundle.js:101
0 @purplebox.js:1
(anonyme) @purplebox.js:1
v @purplebox.js:1
It doesn't block my pages, nor does it prevent the proper functioning of its features, but it's an error and I think it should be fixed and maybe help other people who have the same problem.
I specify that I do not make any async request in this project. Everything is local and the few data I use are directly imported in raw. I don't know where Purplebox.js comes from as well.
This issue is a cross-origin request issue and it is caused by various Chrome Extensions. I had this too in my Angular app and after testing it in the incognito mode, the error didn't show up anymore.
More info: Google Forum
If you are an extension developer coming here: You need to move your cross-origin fetch request from the content script to your extensions' background page and call it from your content script. Cross-origin fetches in your content script are not allowed anymore. Don't forget the return true
at the end of your request. More info and an example: Chromium Project