How to properly quit the automation session when running Robot Scripts?
I’m new to App automation. I was trying to automate one of my iOS application with Robot Framework and my setup was configured for running my test on a browser stack’s device. The following is my sample script.
*** Test Cases ***
Open App
Open Application ${Remote_Url} platformName=${PlatformName} deviceName=${device}
... platformVersion=${os_version} app=${app} name=${name} build=${Build} orientation=${Landscape}
... autoAcceptAlerts=${AutoAcceptAlerts} browserstack.idleTimeout=${browserstack.idleTimeout browserstack.appium_version=1.21.0
Login in to app
Input Text id=txt-username my_username
Input Text id=txt-password my_username
Click Element id=btn-login
Wait Until Page Contains Element id=img-userprofile
Sleep 5
Close the app
Quit Application
But when I execute this script, it performs the automation steps perfectly, but the test status in the browser stack console is shown as "TIMED OUT" (Please see the second item in the below screenshot)
if I do the same automation steps via Appium Inspector, then the browser stack will treat this test as "Passed" and its status will be displayed as "UNMARKED" (the first item in the below screenshot).
I looked through the Robot Framework Appium library documentation and couldn't find any useful ways for terminating a session. So, could someone kindly tell me how to properly close a session and how to set the session status with respect to test result (my success/failure)?
You can use the below to end the session on BrowserStack
*** Test Cases ***
Appium Test on BrowserStack
Open Application ${REMOTE_URL} app=%{BROWSERSTACK_APP_ID} name=single_test build=RobotFramework platformName=iOS os_version=11.0 device=iPhone 8 Plus
# accessibility id=Alert Button
Click Element id=Alert Button
# accessibility id=OK
Click Element id=OK
Close Application
For your reference, below is the sample repository which you can use.