I have a simple Svelte component <Greet /> which takes two params:
<script lang=ts>
export let greeting: string;
export let name: string;
<strong>{greeting}, {name}!</strong>
How do I create a function which takes a single parameter, name, and returns a new component which takes one param, greeting, and renders <Greet {greeting} {name} />? Like so:
<script lang=ts>
import { greetFactory } from './greetFactory';
const GreetMike = greetFactory('Mike');
<GreetMike greeting="Hello" />
// renders <Greet greeting="Hello" name="Mike" />
// which in turn renders <strong>Hello, Mike!</strong>
In other words: How do I curry a param of a component?
You can use the client-side component API to merge the props in. It would look something like this:
function greetFactory(name) {
return function({ props, ...rest }) {
return new Greet({
props: {
(If name is applied before the other props, it can even be overridden in the HTML.)