Given a graph the root node of which is defined by a Node
class Node:
def __init__(self, val = 0, neighbors = None):
self.val = val
self.neighbors = neighbors if neighbors is not None else []
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self.__repr__() == other.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return f"Node(val: {self.val}, neighbors: {self.neighbors})"
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
The Graph class is defined as below, which uses the Node
class above to construct itself from an adjacency list
class Graph:
def __init__(self, adj_list=[]):
self.root = adj_list or self.make_graph(adj_list)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.root)
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return other.root == self.root
return False
def make_graph(self, adj_list) -> Node:
# Ref:
nodes = [Node(i + 1) for i in range(len(adj_list))]
for i, neighbors in enumerate(adj_list):
nodes[i].neighbors = [nodes[j-1] for j in neighbors]
return nodes[0]
For example the adjacency list [[2,4],[1,3],[2,4],[1,3]]
is transformed to a Graph
as below
graph = Graph([[2,4],[1,3],[2,4],[1,3]])
Node(val: 1, neighbors: [Node(val: 2, neighbors: [Node(val: 1, neighbors: [...]), Node(val: 3, neighbors: [Node(val: 2, neighbors: [...]), Node(val: 4, neighbors: [Node(val: 1, neighbors: [...]), Node(val: 3, neighbors: [...])])])]), Node(val: 4, neighbors: [Node(val: 1, neighbors: [...]), Node(val: 3, neighbors: [Node(val: 2, neighbors: [Node(val: 1, neighbors: [...]), Node(val: 3, neighbors: [...])]), Node(val: 4, neighbors: [...])])])])
Now if I have 2 graphs:
graph1 = Graph([[2,4],[1,3],[2,4],[1,3]])
graph2 = Graph([[2,4],[1,3],[2,4],[1,3]])
print(graph1 == graph2)
I can check their equality by comparing the return values of Node.__repr__()
of both these graph objects graph1
and graph2
which essentially is done via the __eq__()
special method of Graph
that is comparing the equality of the root nodes of both the graphs, hence using the __repr__()
special method of Node
as explained above.
The __repr__
method truncates the deeply nested neighbors in the output as [...]
, however there could be some nodes deep inside that do not have equal values of Node.val
, hence making the comparison result unreliable by this method.
My concern is, is there a better and more reliable way to do this equality test instead of just comparing the __repr__()
of both the graph's root nodes?.
You can implement a depth-first traversal and compare nodes by value and degree. Mark nodes as visited to avoid they are traversed a second time:
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
visited = set()
def dfs(a, b):
if a.val != b.val or len(a.neighbors) != len(b.neighbors):
return False
if a.val in visited:
return True
return all(dfs(*pair) for pair in zip(a.neighbors, b.neighbors))
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and dfs(self, other)
This code assumes that a node's value uniquely identifies the node within the same graph.
This also assumes that the graph is connected, otherwise components that are disconnected from the root will not be compared.