I am having issues sending data to a server using remix run - I'm not sure I fully understand how useAction data works. I understand how the useLoaderData functions work but when you are trying to send data to a server I get errors.
What I want to do is send a post request to my server when I click a button - if I try and call create cart in the handleCLick event it says that createCart is not a function when it is
const submit = useSubmit()
function action({ request }) {
is this where i do my POST api call?
async function handleClick(event) {
await createCart(id, amount)
Cant seem to find any documentation which tells you how to do this?
With Remix, actions always run on the server. It is the method that Remix will call when you POST to a route.
// route.tsx
import { json, type ActionArgs, type LoaderArgs } from '@remix-run/node'
import { Form, useActionData, useLoaderData, useSubmit } from '@remix-run/react'
import { createCart } from '~/models/cart.server' // your app code
import { getUserId } from '~/models/user.server'
// loader is called on GET
export const loader = async ({request}: LoaderArgs) => {
// get current user id
const id = await getUserId(request)
// return
return json({ id })
// action is called on POST
export const action = async ({request}: ActionArgs) => {
// get the form data from the POST
const formData = await request.formData()
// get the values from form data converting types
const id = Number(formData.get('id'))
const amount = Number(formData.get('amount'))
// call function on back end to create cart
const cart = await createCart(id, amount)
// return the cart to the client
return json({ cart })
// this is your UI component
export default function Cart() {
// useLoaderData is simply returning the data from loader, it has already
// been fetched before component is rendered. It does NOT do the actual
// fetch, Remix fetches for you
const { id } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
// useActionData returns result from action (it's undefined until
// action has been called so guard against that for destructuring
const { cart } = useActionData<typeof action>() ?? {}
// Remix handles Form submit automatically so you don't really
// need the useSubmit hook
const submit = useSubmit()
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
return (
<Form method="post">
{/* hidden form field to pass back user id *}
<input type="hidden" name="id"/>
<input type="number" name="amount"/>
{/* Remix will automatically call submit when you click button *}
<button>Create Cart</button>
{/* show returned cart data from action */}
<pre>{JSON.stringify(cart, null, 2)}</pre>