Can a .net standard project have a .nuspec file?

I developed a .net standard 2.1 project with the intention of publishing it as a nuget, and I published it correctly.

The only thing I wanted to know is if in my project I can add a .nuspec file, because I tried to add it but when I do the build (which also generates the nuget package) it seems not to take the metadata information added in the .nuspec file. On the other hand, adding a PropertyGroup with similar properties in my project's .csproj file, when I build the package takes the metadata I entered.

I wanted to know if there is a way that I can "include" my .nuspec configurations when I build the project. I found a few more questions where they recommended calling the .nuspec exactly like the project but in my case it doesn't seem to have worked.



  • If you've got an SDK style project then it's recommended not to use a nuspec, and to keep all the package metadata in your project file instead

    You can still use one if you really want to though

    Sample command lines:

    dotnet pack <path to .csproj file> -p:NuspecFile=<path to nuspec file> -p:NuspecProperties=<> -p:NuspecBasePath=<Base path>


    msbuild -t:pack <path to .csproj file> -p:NuspecFile=<path to nuspec file> -p:NuspecProperties=<> -p:NuspecBasePath=<Base path>