
Hash equality in Crystal specs

I'm getting:

       Expected: {text: "Hello World"}
            got: {:text => "Hello World"}

When the key is a symbol.


       Expected: {text: "Hello World"}
            got: {"text" => "Hello World"}

When the key is a string.

How can I output {text: "Hello World"}?

My code:

@output = {} of Symbol => Output'
@output[name] = @buffer # name is a Symbol

language.parse("Hello World").should eq({ text: "Hello World" })

And to use a string I do:

@output = {} of String => Output'
@output[name.to_s] = @buffer # name is a Symbol


  • Essentially, {text: "Hello World"} is a NamedTuple, so you're comparing a Hash to a NamedTuple. What you need is {:text => "Hello World"} or {"text" => "Hello World"}. See the docs of Hash for details.