
How to get a specific object from a JSON of an API in Xcode with Alamofire?

I am doing a project of an E-commerce app in swift and the data must be obtained from an API that I created with

The link of the API is: but if you don't want to enter the link here is how the JSON looks like:

  "categorie1": "Fruits",
  "categorie2": "Animals",
  "categorie3": "Juices",
  "categorie4": "Vegetables",
  "categorie5": "Alcohol",
  "categorie6": "Desserts",
  "id": "1"

I have a file named "ResponseWS" that contains the structs to obtain the data from the API, it looks like this:

import Foundation

struct ResponseWS:Decodable{
    let Datos:[Categories]

struct Categories:Decodable{
    let id: String
    let categorie: String

I also have a file named "ConnectWS" where I process the data with the Alamofire:

import Foundation
import Alamofire

class ConnectWS{
    static let cmd = ConnectWS()
    private let urlBase = ""
    private let code = 200...299
    func getUsers(user: String, pass: String,success: @escaping(_ user: String) -> (), failure: @escaping(_ error: Error?)-> ()) {
        AF.request(urlBase,method: .get).validate(statusCode: code).responseDecodable(of: ResponseWS.self){
            response in
            if let respuesta = {
                print(String(decoding: respuesta, as: UTF8.self))
                success(String(decoding: respuesta, as: UTF8.self))

And finally I have my ViewController where I want to show the data of the API:

import UIKit

class ViewControllerCategorias: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var name: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var message: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var buttonOutlet: UIButton!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    @IBAction func buttonAction(_ sender: Any) {
        ConnectWS.cmd.getUsers(user: "erik", pass: "1234", success: {user in
   = user
        }, failure: {error in
            self.message.text = error.debugDescription

As you can see in the "ViewController" I have a button that when I click it, it returns ALL the data from the API, and what I want to do is get especifics "categories" from the API

When I click the button, the label shows:


How can I get a specific object of the API?


  • You have to decode the response data into that object. You can use this generic method for decoding. Just create a model class/struct that you want to use for converting after decoding JSON.

    func decode<T: Codable>(_ data: Data) -> T {
        // Create a decoder
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
        // Create a property for the decoded data
        guard let results = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) else {
            fatalError("Failed to decode!")
        // Return the ready-to-use data
        return results