
Web Components - Multiple elements per slot

I'm working on new web-components and ran into some issues concerning slots.

I have an outer container-component with a "main-slot" inside, in which multiple elements should be inserted (into the same slot). However, it is only possible to add one element per named slot.

My question: is there a way to add multiple elements to one named slot? Like shown here:

   <own-element slot="main"></own-element>
   <own-element slot="main"></own-element>
   <own-element slot="main"></own-element>
   <own-element slot="main"></own-element>


  • There is also imperative <slot>

            mode: 'open',
            slotAssignment: 'manual' // imperative assign only

    But! you get Named slots OR Imperative slots, on one Web Component

    To mimic named <slot>, assigning content to the same named <slot>
    you probably need the Mutation Observer API


    You can have multiple elements per slot:

        <H1 slot="title">Web Components are great!</H1>
        <h2 slot="title">A bit hard to master</h2>
        <b slot="title">But Great!</b>
      customElements.define('component-with-slots', class extends HTMLElement {
        constructor() { 
              .innerHTML = `<slot name="title"></slot>`; 