
I don't know how to get_chat_members_count with aiogram

I am writing a bot and I can't find a clear answer to how to get number of members in the group and when a user writes /count in the bot, he would get the number of participants in the group.

tell me pls what's wrong. Here is the code I made:

from aiogram import Bot
from aiogram import types
from aiogram.dispatcher import Dispatcher
from aiogram.utils import executor

from config import token

bot = Bot(token=token)
dp = Dispatcher(bot)

async def getCountMembers(message: types.Message):
    await bot.get_chat_members_count(-1001519650013)

executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)


  • aiogram has great documentation, you need to specify the chat_id

    from aiogram import Bot
    from aiogram import types
    from aiogram.dispatcher import Dispatcher
    from aiogram.utils import executor
    from config import token
    bot = Bot(token=token)
    dp = Dispatcher(bot)
    async def getCountMembers(message: types.Message):
        # you can get the chat id like so
        chat_id =
        # otherwise instead of getting the chat id from the incoming msg just do 
        # chat_id = -1001519650013
        await bot.get_chat_members_count(chat_id=chat_id)
    executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)

    aiogram documentation