
Social login with AppleId or Facebook throws 401 error

Error object:

  "code": "userCancelled",
  "message": "{\"callId\":\"a22e2c0a54fa40ef86e55161771cbb60\",\"statusCode\":201,\"errorCode\":401022,\"requestData\":\"ew0KICAiY2FsbElkIjogImEyMmUyYzBhNTRmYTQwZWY4NmU1NTE2MTc3MWNiYjYwIiwNCiAgImVycm9yQ29kZSI6IDQwMTAyMiwNCiAgImVycm9yTWVzc2FnZSI6ICJMb2dpbiBGYWlsZWQiLA0KICAiYXBpVmVyc2lvbiI6IDIsDQogICJzdGF0dXNDb2RlIjogNDAxLA0KICAic3RhdHVzUmVhc29uIjogIlVuYXV0aG9yaXplZCIsDQogICJ0aW1lIjogIjIwMjItMDYtMDdUMTc6MzU6NDIuNDI5WiIsDQogICJlcnJvckRldGFpbHMiOiAiNDAxMDIyIC0gTG9naW4gRmFpbGVkIg0KfQ==\",\"errorMessage\":\"Login Failed\"}",
  "name": "Error",
  "payload": {
    "apiVersion": 2,
    "callId": "a22e2c0a54fa40ef86e55161771cbb60",
    "errorCode": 401022,
    "errorDetails": "401022 - Login Failed",
    "errorMessage": "Login Failed",
    "statusCode": 401,
    "statusReason": "Unauthorized",
    "time": "2022-06-07T17:35:42.429Z"

Trying to use for a social login. Using gmail and facebook web seems to work. But when trying to use AppleId or Facebook app the above error shows up.


"react-native": "0.66.3", 
"react-native-gigya-sdk": "1.1.1",

Additional info added here:


  • This generally indicates that the configuration is set up incorrectly.

    Make that the KeyID and private key are entered correctly on the Gigya dashboard.

    You have to create a key in your apple developer portal with the apple sign in capability and then download the key (keep it safe as the server removes it after downloading).


    Put the KeyID value in the Gigya dashboard for Apple login configuration as well as the private key value which can be obtained by opening the keyID file in a text editor.