I'm trying to visualise a spec for a Payment object where it moves from "queued" to "processing" to "complete". I have come up with the following:
enum State {Queued, Processing, Complete}
sig Payment {
var state: State
pred processPayment[p: Payment] {
p.state = Queued // guard
p.state' = Processing // action
pred completePayment[p: Payment] {
p.state = Processing // guard
p.state' = Complete // action
fact init {
Payment.state = Queued
fact next {
always (some p : Payment | processPayment[p] or completePayment[p])
run {} for 1 Payment
Unfortunately, I get no instances found for this spec. From my understanding, a Payment with state "Queued" initially and a next state where it's in "Processing" should be allowed with the always (some p : Payment | processPayment[p] or completePayment[p])"
formula according to the tutorial at https://haslab.github.io/formal-software-design/overview/index.html. Am I missing something?
The issue turned out to be a missing terminating predicate, adding the below(or a stutter) fixes it.
pred afterComplete[p: Payment] {
p.state = Complete // guard
p.state' = Complete // action