
Setting up Laravel Fortify's password confirmation

Laravel Fortify creates a new route, /user/confirm-password that takes a password input. This route hits the store method of Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\ConfirmablePasswordController.

The return in this controller method is as follows:

return $confirmed
            ? app(PasswordConfirmedResponse::class)
            : app(FailedPasswordConfirmationResponse::class);

What I'm not understanding is that both of these classes are empty interfaces. I need it to return JSON in the event the route was hit with an XHR request, so something like this from another Fortify controller method:

return $request->wantsJson()
            ? new JsonResponse('', 200)
            : back()->with('status', 'two-factor-authentication-enabled');

How do I get the JSON response I want from the /user/confirm-password route?


  • I managed to figure out what I was missing. Unsure on how exactly I overlooked it but the Customising Redirects section of the Fortify docs covers how to solve this for other contracts.

    Adding the following to my FortifyServiceProvider's register method was the solution.

    $this->app->instance(PasswordConfirmedResponse::class, new class implements PasswordConfirmedResponse {
        public function toResponse($request) {
            return $request->wantsJson()
                ? new JsonResponse(['confirmed' => true], 200)
                : back()->with('confirmed', true);
    $this->app->instance(FailedPasswordConfirmationResponse::class, new class implements FailedPasswordConfirmationResponse {
        public function toResponse($request) {
            return $request->wantsJson()
                ? new JsonResponse(['confirmed' => false], 200)
                : back()->with('confirmed', false);