
Is every frame in World of Warcraft global?

i'm getting into creating my first WoW addon and during my research I have read that every frame creaated in WoW is global which really confuses me.

I've seen plenty of addons that just do f = CreateFrame(..), so wouldn't those be conflicting all the time?

There's probably an easy explanation for this so sorry if the question is a bit dumb but if someone could clear that up for me I would really appreciate it


  • Every frame created from an XML file is global so that they can be accessed from a Lua file.

    ## Interface: 90205
    ## Version: 1.0.0
    ## Title: Hello
        <Script file="hello.lua"/>
        <Frame name="HelloWorldFrame"> <!-- global frame -->
                    HelloWorld_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
    function HelloWorld_OnLoad(self)
        print("Loaded HelloWorldFrame")
    function HelloWorld_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
        print("Your character said something", event, ...)

    While if you only use a Lua file and create your frame there you don't necessarily need to make it global.

    local function OnEvent(self, event, ...)
        print("Your character said something", event, ...)
    local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
    f:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)

    I've seen plenty of addons that just do f = CreateFrame(..), so wouldn't those be conflicting all the time?

    As long as they make it local, they wouldn't conflict. If everyone makes a global f frame then it would conflict yes.