I wrote a bunch of stories using NBehave.
Now I have seen examples where the output is display in human readily format (see this example)Wayback machine link
Is there any way to get this output in resharper?
This was posted by Jörg Jenni on his blog. He shows how to get nBehave output to display:
When working with the latest build of NBehave 0.4 you may notice that there is no output written to the ReSharper Testrunner Output anymore.
Here is how I did workaround the problem. I derived the specs from the following class and every thing was fine again:
public class SpecBaseWithConsoleOutput: SpecBase { private EventHandler<EventArgs<MessageEventData>> addedHandler; private EventHandler<EventArgs<Scenario>> scenarioCreatedHandler; private EventHandler<EventArgs<Story>> storyCreatedHandler; public override void MainSetup() { base.MainSetup(); addedHandler = (o, a) => Console.WriteLine(a.EventData.Message); scenarioCreatedHandler = (o, a) => Console.WriteLine(a.EventData.Title); storyCreatedHandler = (o, a) => Console.WriteLine(a.EventData.Title); Story.MessageAdded += addedHandler; Story.ScenarioCreated += scenarioCreatedHandler; Story.StoryCreated += storyCreatedHandler; } public override void MainTeardown() { Story.MessageAdded -= addedHandler; Story.ScenarioCreated -= scenarioCreatedHandler; Story.StoryCreated -= storyCreatedHandler; base.MainTeardown(); } }