I'm trying to convert a $metadata into a service for use with the SAP Cloud SDK Library.
generate-odata-client --inputDir .\ctradeslipdata_metadata.xml --outputDir tradeslipdata
[2022-06-10T01:36:13.788Z] ERROR (generator-cli): ErrorWithCause: Generation of services failed.
at C:\Users\Avell\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v14.17.0\node_modules\@sap-cloud-sdk\generator\dist\generator-cli.js:22:18
Caused by:
Error: EEXIST: file already exists, mkdir 'D:\PESSOAL\PROGRAMACAO\JS\nest\exemplo-api-btp\ctradeslipdata_metadata.xml'
d---- dist
d---- node_modules
d---- src
d---- test
d---- tradeslipdata
-a--- 77 .env
-a--- 20 .eslintignore
-a--- 681 .eslintrc.js
-a--- 49 .gitignore
-a--- 51 .prettierrc
-a--- 62594 ctradeslipdata_metadata.xml
-a--- 5742 default-env.json
-a--- 443 manifest.yml
-a--- 220 nest-cli.json
-a--- 3107 package.json
-a--- 97 tsconfig.build.json
-a--- 581 tsconfig.json
-a--- 317412 yarn.lock
Your command uses an option --inputDir
, which needs a directory path as parameter. However, you passed a file, which should be fixed.
Please check the complete documentation of the generator here.