
isort config to always have multiple imports in parenthesis

I am looking for an isort config to have one line per import if it's a single import but as soon as you have multiple imports it switches to parenthesis, so it would look like the following

from something import one_thing
from another.thing import (


  • Same question: How to make isort always produce multi-line output when there are multiple imports on a line?

    See the first comment.

    Use force_grid_wrap = X where X is the threshold of imports before wrapping them. Note, you should still use the multi_line_output option to set how you want the wrapped imports to actually look like.

    For example:

    multi_line_output = 3
    force_grid_wrap = 2

    Turns this:

    from connector import conn
    from logger import log
    from exceptions import EmptyFieldException, MissingBodyException

    Into this:

    from connector import conn
    from logger import log
    from exceptions import (