
How to implement authentication & authorization between microservices & API Gateway using Laravel

I'm trying to implement authentication & authorization of users between my microservices and API Gateway.What I have now:

  1. API Gateway which can request to any microservice.
  2. User microservice - where I'm storing all users. laravel/passport implemented to authenticate user in this microservice. Works as it should be, login route returns token which I'm using to authenticate user in this microservice.
  3. Other 5 microservices without any authentication or authorization.

Question is: what is the right way to use authentication & authorization with microservices? I know that I should authenticate users in my API Gateway and authorization will happen inside microservices. But how authorization in other microservices happening if they don't know anything about users? I'm planning to use somehow JWT token with information about user roles but haven't found yet how to put that information into token



    Below answer is a answer base one communication method, however I'll highly recommend to use other methods to do communication between microservices such as GRPC/RabbitMQ/RPC/etc.

    Best Regards

    Original Answer

    I'll try to explain with a basic example for API.

    Let's say you have currently 3 microservices :

    1. Users
    2. Posts
    3. Core

    I assume you're using httpOnly cookie to store user token.

    In Core microservice I have this route structure:

    Route::prefix('core')->group(function () {
        Route::post('register', [AuthController::class, 'register']);
        Route::post('login', [AuthController::class, 'login']);
        Route::middleware('scope.trader')->group(function () {
            Route::get('user', [AuthController::class, 'user']);

    Now i want to login which i should send an API request, and I should think of a solution to send token anytime I need it.

    1. login(this is where you get token) and register don't need token
    2. user need token (this is where you asked for solution)

    So in addition to get a result, I should create a service for user, and here how I've done it :

    UserService :
    class UserService extends ApiService
        public function __construct()
            // Get User Endpoint Microservice API URL
            $this->endpoint = env('USERS_MS') . '/api';
    ApiService :
    abstract class ApiService
        protected string $endpoint;
        public function request($method, $path, $data = [])
            $response = $this->getRequest($method, $path, $data);
            if ($response->ok()) {return $response->json();};
            throw new HttpException($response->status(), $response->body());
        public function getRequest($method, $path, $data = [])
            return \Http::acceptJson()->withHeaders([
                'Authorization' =>  'Bearer ' . request()->cookie('token')
            ])->$method("{$this->endpoint}/{$path}", $data);
        public function post($path, $data)
            return $this->request('post', $path, $data);
        public function get($path)
            return $this->request('get', $path);
        public function put($path, $data)
            return $this->request('put', $path, $data);
        public function delete($path)
            return $this->request('delete', $path);

    If you're wondering where, this UserService come from, then I should say, I've created a package to use it in other microservices, so you can do the same or just create a service and use it in your microservices or etc.

    Everything is obvious about ApiService, but I'll try to explain the base.

    1. Anytime we want to do an API call, we can simply call Allowed methods in this class, then our methods, will call request, to pass common arguments, and eventually using those arguments to do the API call.
    2. getRequest method, is doing the call and get the stored token from httpOnly cookie, and will send it as an Authorization header to the target endpoint, and eventually it'll return whatever it get from target.

    So If we want to use this, we can simply do like this in our controller :

    class AuthController extends Controller
        // use Services\UserService;
        public UserService $userService;
         * @param UserService $userService
        public function __construct(UserService $userService)
            $this->userService = $userService;
        public function register(RegisterRequest $request)
            $data = $request->only('name', 'email', 'password') + ['additional_fileds' => 0 ];
            // additional fields can be used for something except from request and
            // optional, like is it admin or user or etc.
            // call the post method, pass the endpoint url(`register`), pass $data
            $user = $this->userService->post('register', $data);
            // get data from target endpoint
            // and ...
            return response($user, Response::HTTP_CREATED);
        public function login(Request $request)
            // same thing here again, but this time i passed scope to help me
            // get the specific user scope
            $data = $request->only('email', 'password') + ['scope' => 'writer'];
            $response = $this->userService->post('login', $data);
            // as you can see when user do success login, we will get token,
            // which i got that token using Passport and set it to $cookie
            $cookie = cookie('token', $response['token'], 60 * 24); // 1 day
            // then will set a new httpOnly token on response.
            return response([
                'message' => 'success'
        public function user(Request $request)
            // Here, base on userService as you saw, we passed token in all requests
            // which if token exist, we get the result, since we're expecting
            // token to send back the user informations.
            $user = $this->userService->get('user');
            // get posts belong to authenticated user
            $posts = Post::where('user_id', $user['id'])->get();
            $user['posts'] = $posts;
            return $user;

    Now, how about user microservice? well Everything is clear here, and it should work like a basic app.

    Here's the routes :

    Route::post('register', [AuthController::class, 'register']);
    Route::post('login', [AuthController::class, 'login']);
    Route::middleware(['bunch','of', 'middlewares'])->group( function (){
        Route::get('user', [AuthController::class, 'user']);

    And in controller :

    class AuthController extends Controller
        public function register(Request $request)
            $user = User::create(
                $request->only('first_name', 'email', 'additional_field')
                + ['password' => \Hash::make($request->input('password'))]
            return response($user, Response::HTTP_CREATED);
        public function login(Request $request)
            if (!\Auth::attempt($request->only('email', 'password'))) {
                return response([
                    'error' => 'user or pass is wrong or whatever.'
                ], Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
            $user = \Auth::user();
            $jwt = $user->createToken('token', [$request->input('here you can pass the required scope like trader as i expalined in top')])->plainTextToken;
            return compact('token');
        public function user(Request $request)
            return $request->user();

    So here's the complete example and you can use the Core microservice approach on other microservices to get your information related to authenticated user, and as you can see everything will be authenticated due to those requests from core to other microservices.