
Evaluate constant expression during compile time

I am trying to write a preprocessor macro MYPRINTF(x, ...) that should work as printf but with an additional length specifier w. The definition of w is supposed to be operating system dependent, but on Linux it is equivalent to l.

The code works fine, but I'm having problems with evaluating expressions during compile time when x is a constant expression. As an example, if I write

long int x = 13;
MYPRINTF("%wd\n", x);

on a Linux system, I would like the compiler to convert it during compile time to

long int x = 13;
printf("%ld\n", x);

Looking at the assembly code, I can say that this is not what is happening.

Here is the code that I'm running

#include <stdio.h>

#define SET_CHAR(ptr, cr)                       \
    do                                          \
    {                                           \
        *(ptr) = (cr);                          \
        (ptr)++;                                \
    } while (0)

#define SET_WORD_FMT(x)                         \
    do                                          \
    {                                           \
        SET_CHAR(x, 'l');                       \
    } while (0)

#define IS_FORMAT(c) ((c) == 'c' || (c) == 's' || (c) == 'd' || (c) == 'i' || (c) == 'o' || (c) == 'x' || (c) == 'X' || (c) == 'u' || (c) == 'f' || (c) == 'F' || (c) == 'e' || (c) == 'E' || (c) == 'a' || (c) == 'A' || (c) == 'g' || (c) == 'G' || (c) == 'n' || (c) == 'p')

#define MYPRINTF(x, ...)                        \
    do                                          \
    {                                           \
        char _str[512];                         \
        char * _strptr = _str;                  \
        const char * _xptr = (x);               \
        while (*_xptr != '\0')                  \
        {                                       \
            if (*_xptr != '%')                  \
            {                                   \
                SET_CHAR(_strptr, *_xptr);      \
                _xptr++;                        \
                continue;                       \
            }                                   \
            SET_CHAR(_strptr, '%');             \
            _xptr++;                            \
            if (*_xptr == '%')                  \
            {                                   \
                SET_CHAR(_strptr, '%');         \
                _xptr++;                        \
                continue;                       \
            }                                   \
            else while (!IS_FORMAT(*_xptr))     \
            {                                   \
                SET_CHAR(_strptr, *_xptr);      \
                _xptr++;                        \
            }                                   \
            if (_strptr[-1] == 'w')             \
            {                                   \
                _strptr--;                      \
                SET_WORD_FMT(_strptr);          \
            }                                   \
            SET_CHAR(_strptr, *_xptr);          \
            _xptr++;                            \
        }                                       \
        *_strptr = '\0';                        \
        printf(_str, __VA_ARGS__);              \
    } while (0)

    long int slx = 18273817628731872;
    int x = 13;
    int lx = 7128172;
    long long int llx = 1928398172938791872;

    MYPRINTF("hello %wd, %d, %ld, %% and %lld\n", slx, x, lx, llx);

which is compiled using GCC 12.1.0 with flags -O3 -march=native.

Is it possible to evaluate this during compile time? If so, how?


  • Is it possible to evaluate this during compile time?

    No, it is not possible.

    For example, writing of a constant-expression strlen for strings up to 62 is very memory consuming and your compiler can easily hit gigabytes of memory (mostly, because the generated preprocessor code takes so much). Writing a constant-expression string parsing function for every possible case is just not feasible and not compilable in practice.

    If you want such functionality, move to a different programming language or run a preprocessor through your code. For example, preprocess your code with M4 preprocessor.

    // run with m4 -P
    m4_define(`MYPRINTF', `printf(m4_patsubst(`$1', `%wd', `%ld'), m4_shift($@))')
    MYPRINTF("%wd", a)   // expands to printf("%ld", a)

    that should work as printf but with an additional length specifier w

    With glibc you can redefine %d conversion and add w flag.