I'm trying to solve a NP-Hard problem using docplex and cplex and I need that docplex return the first factible solution founded and stop the search. In general, stop when find the nth best solution. Something like that:
set limits solutions n
You can use parameters.mip.limits.solutions with docplex python api
A small change to this code gives
from docplex.mp.model import Model
mdl = Model(name='buses')
nbbus40 = mdl.integer_var(name='nbBus40')
nbbus30 = mdl.integer_var(name='nbBus30')
mdl.add_constraint(nbbus40*40 + nbbus30*30 >= 300, 'kids')
mdl.minimize(nbbus40*500 + nbbus30*400)
print("int sol limit = ",mdl.parameters.mip.limits.solutions.get())
for v in mdl.iter_integer_vars():
print(v," = ",v.solution_value)
which gives
int sol limit = 1
nbBus40 = 8.0
nbBus30 = 0
With all other apis you can do the same.
With pyomo for instance:
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
opt = pyo.SolverFactory("cplex")
opt.options['mip limits solutions'] = 1
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.nbBus = pyo.Var([40,30], domain=pyo.PositiveIntegers)
model.OBJ = pyo.Objective(expr = 500*model.nbBus[40] + 400*model.nbBus[30])
model.Constraint1 = pyo.Constraint(expr = 40*model.nbBus[40] + 30*model.nbBus[30] >= 300)