Here is a list created from YAML file. I want to compare the following contents of each memservers with other merserves in the list:
The code should be generic i.e., it should work for any number of servers.
provider: sockets
delayed_free_threads: 0
ATL_threads: 0
ATL_queue_size: 1000
ATL_data_size: 1024
memory_type: volatile
fam_path: /dev/shm/vol_path
rpc_interface: fam5:8793
libfabric_port: 7500
if_device: eth0
memory_type: volatile
fam_path: /dev/shm/vol_path
rpc_interface: fam4:8793
libfabric_port: 7500
if_device: eth1
memory_type: volatile
fam_path: /dev/shm/vol_path
rpc_interface: fam3:8793
libfabric_port: 7500
if_device: eth1
For each of your requirements, you should just map the value (that should not duplicate) to the machine numbers that you found them in. In the following just done for the first requirement:
from pathlib import Path
import ruamel.yaml
host_port = {}
file_in = Path('fam_memoryserver_config.yaml')
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe') # faster than using yaml.safe_load()
data = yaml.load(file_in)
for machine_nr, config in data.items():
host_port.setdefault(config['rpc_interface'], set()).add(machine_nr)
# now check if host_port has any values that have more than one machine_nr
for hp, machine_nrs in host_port.items():
if len(machine_nrs) == 1:
print(f'found {hp} in machines: {", ".join([str(x) for x in machine_nrs])}')
which gives:
found fam3:8793 in machines: 1, 2
You should get your terminology clear, or at least define these in your question. Common terminology will help you find answers yourself more easily (here on SO, or googling).
You don't have any lists, you have a mapping at the root level of your YAML document, with mapping for the values of each key. Those load to dicts nested within a dict. there are no lists anywhere.
The above also assumes that the value for key rpc_interfaces
is what you refer to as
, however that part before the :
in fam5:8793
doesn't look like an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
It looks more like a hostname.
You also refer to checks between all files, but there are only two files: the YAML input and your source code. And comparing between those doesn't make much sense.