
Thread-safety of reference count in std::shared_ptr

Looking at this implementation of std::shared_ptr https://thecandcppclub.com/deepeshmenon/chapter-10-shared-pointers-and-atomics-in-c-an-introduction/781/ :

Question 1 : I can see that we're using std::atomic<int*> to store the pointer to the reference count associated with the resource being managed. Now, in the destructor of the shared_ptr, we're changing the value of the ref-count itself (like --(*reference_count)). Similarly, when we make a copy of the shared_ptr, we increment the ref-count value. However, in both these operations, we're not changing the value of the pointer to the ref-count but rather ref-count itself. Since the pointer to ref-count is the "atomic thing" here, I was wondering how would ++ / -- operations to the ref-count be thread-safe? Is std::atomic implemented internally in a way such that in case of pointers, it ensures changes to the underlying object itself are also thread-safe?

Question 2 : Do we really need this nullptr check in default_deleter class before calling delete on ptr? As per Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer?, it is harmless to call delete on nullptr. enter image description here


  • Question 1:

    The implementation linked to is not thread-safe at all. You are correct that the shared reference counter should be atomic, not pointers to it. std::atomic<int*> here makes no sense.

    Note that just changing std::atomic<int*> to std::atomic<int>* won't be enough to fix this either. For example the destructor is decrementing the reference count and checking it against 0 non-atomically. So another thread could get in between these two operations and then they will both think that they should delete the object causing undefined behavior.

    As mentioned by @fabian in the comments, it is also far from a correct non-thread-safe shared pointer implementation. For example with the test case

        Shared_ptr<int> a(new int);
        Shared_ptr<int> b(new int);
        b = a;

    it will leak the second allocation. So it doesn't even do the basics correctly.

    Even more, in the simple test case

        Shared_ptr<int> a(new int);

    it leaks the allocated memory for the reference counter (which it always leaks).

    Question 2:

    There is no reason to have a null pointer check there except to avoid printing the message. In fact, if we want to adhere to the standard's specification of std::default_delete for default_deleter, then at best it is wrong to check for nullptr, since that is specified to call delete unconditionally.

    But the only possible edge case where this could matter is if a custom operator delete would be called that causes some side effect for a null pointer argument. However, it is anyway unspecified whether delete will call operator delete if passed a null pointer, so that's not practically relevant either.