
Cursor moves after end quote and adds double quotes after a single quote in VS Code

Whenever I type double quotes, the cursor moves outside to the right of the end quote. It is extremely annoying. I mean when I ever type double quotes, the cursor moves to the right i.e, after the end quote which is counter-intuitive because I have to move the cursor to the left and inside the double quotes to write something inside the quotes.

I cannot find an appropriate setting to control this behaviour either. Is there a setting to control the cursor behaviour when typing quotes?

And I have to press double "" to add quotes. Is there a setting to change it to a single press to add characters?


  • I fixed the issue by following these instructions.

    Go to your settings and then type in the filter:

    Auto Closing Overtype

    It's probably either on: auto or always. Change this to never. It should work now (it did for me).