
SQL Server reports 'Invalid column name', but the column is present and the query works through management studio

I've hit a bit of an impasse. I have a query that is generated by some C# code. The query works fine in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio when run against the same database.

However when my code tries to run the same query I get the same error about an invalid column and an exception is thrown. All queries that reference this column are failing.

The column in question was recently added to the database. It is a date column called Incident_Begin_Time_ts .

An example that fails is:

select * from PerfDiag 
where Incident_Begin_Time_ts > '2010-01-01 00:00:00';

Other queries like Select MAX(Incident_Being_Time_ts); also fail when run in code because it thinks the column is missing.

Any ideas?


  • I suspect that you have two tables with the same name. One is owned by the schema 'dbo' (dbo.PerfDiag), and the other is owned by the default schema of the account used to connect to SQL Server (something like userid.PerfDiag).

    When you have an unqualified reference to a schema object (such as a table) — one not qualified by schema name — the object reference must be resolved. Name resolution occurs by searching in the following sequence for an object of the appropriate type (table) with the specified name. The name resolves to the first match:

    The unqualified reference is bound to the first match in the above sequence.

    As a general recommended practice, one should always qualify references to schema objects, for performance reasons:

    [Edited to further note]

    The other possibilities are (in no particular order):

    Double check your connect strings and ensure that they explicitly specify the SQL Server instance name and the database name.