
How to create a mulit-page-application (with Vue or React)

I'm a bit confused with single-page-applications and multi-page-applications. I already know the difference between both but I struggle a bit with creating a MPA... So far I only build some apps with React and Vue but they where all SPA (so they where client side rendered). I don't understand how I can build a multi-page-app with React or Vue that renders server side so that when I go to a different path (from /home to /contact for example) the page is rendered new? Can someone help me or give me a link to a tutorial or something else because all tutorials or courses I've watched only focused on SPA.


  • You can implement a router to your Vue or React app for multi-page stuff. There are also many good routers available for both frameworks in the npm registry.

    Or you can use a third-party framework (Next.js for React, Nuxt.js for Vue)