How many parallel write requests can I make to cassandra from a single connection in a nodejs process?
I am using: cassandra-driver@4.6.3 : I am not using batch... as i understand it is not recommended if all data is not in same partition.
My main concern is limitation if any from cassandra connection point of view..
From: Understand Cassandra pooling options (setCoreConnectionsPerHost and setMaxConnectionsPerHost)? I understand that 32k parallel write is approx limit
32k is the theoretical upper limit on the number of queries in-flight, but the real number heavily depends on the size of the cluster, how load is spread between nodes, etc. Sometimes, having more in-flight requests will put an additional load onto the cluster, and your latencies will be heavily increasing.
As I mentioned in that answer, it's recommended to test your setup & find optimal number of requests per connection. You can use NoSQLBench tool to find optimal configurations.