
Oracle - Foreign Key references different tables different schemas

I have problem with Enforcing Referential Integrity to a new table.

There are different tables in different schemas, each one has its primary key:




enter image description here

I want to create a new table, which among other information and its primary id, has a column "reference_schema" and a column "reference_id". I want the column "referencing id" to reference the id on the relevant table, that is of the "reference_schema"="schema1" to reference the primary key

The primary keys on the 3 tables, aren't unique in a UNION.

I have tried synthesizing a primary key in a UNION ALL view, but Oracle does not enforce view constraints.


  • It is not the different schema that causes problems, but the fact that you can't create a foreign key constraint which would reference two (or more) different tables.

    I mean, you can do it, using out-of-line constraint syntax, but that just won't work. Why? Because - if that value doesn't exist in all referenced tables, constraint will be violated.

    create table new_table
      (id         number constraint pk_newtab primary key,
       ref_schema varchar2(30),
       ref_id     number,
       constraint fk_newtab_s1 foreign key (ref_id) references schema1.table1 (id),
       constraint fk_newtab_s2 foreign key (ref_id) references schema2.table2 (id)

    A simple example is Scott's sample schema (there is department number 10, but no employee has that EMPNO):

    SQL> create table test
      2  (id  number,
      3  constraint fk1 foreign key (id) references scott.dept (deptno),
      4  constraint fk2 foreign key (id) references scott.emp  (empno)
      5  );
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into test (id) values (10);
    insert into test (id) values (10)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SCOTT.FK2) violated - parent key not found

    So, what can you do? Use a trigger. Something like this:

    SQL> create or replace trigger trg_test
      2    before insert or update on test
      3    for each row
      4  declare
      5    l_cnt number;
      6  begin
      7    select deptno into l_cnt
      8    from dept
      9    where deptno =;
     11  exception
     12    when no_data_found then
     13      begin
     14        select empno into l_cnt
     15        from emp
     16        where empno =;
     18      exception
     19        when no_data_found then
     20          raise_application_error(-20000, 'Foreign key does not exist in any referenced table');
     21      end;
     22  end;
     23  /
    Trigger created.


    SQL> insert into test (id) values (10);   --> this is ACCOUNTING
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test (id) values (7369); --> this is SMITH
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test (id) values (99);   --> this doesn't exist in any table
    insert into test (id) values (99)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: Foreign key does not exist in any referenced table
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TRG_TEST", line 17
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TRG_TEST'